<my cite>
Post by Mike EasterYou are showing me headers stamped by spamcop which contain quoted
printable 'artificacts'.
Explain to me how you use spamcop. This particular item was
whitelisted so it had to get/ be put/ into the spamcop parser somehow.
It was whitelisted so arrived in SC Webmail Inbox. In my browser I
copied it to my Leaked Spam folder and then moved it to the Held
folder, switched to the VER (report held) URL and ordered it queued for
reporting, switched to the Report Spam URL and clicked on Report Now.
I've never had a SC mail account, so I don't exactly know what kinds of
mechanics are going on there. If I were to copy an item from either of my
webmail accounts, gmail or earthlink, from one folder to another, I'm sure
the process would not result in the introduction of any 'spurious'
encoding such as previously non-existent QP quoted-printable nor would it
result in the loss of any extended ascii characters such as dropping 8bit
characters and some of the 7bit chars which follow them.
Post by Mike EasterI'm wondering if something about the way you 'feed' the item from
nonblocked to the parser is introducing quoted printable encoding. And
I'm wondering if the 'tool' or editor you used to copy the source of
this message for saving to a txt file was responsible for losing the
8bit chars in the attachment.
Previous time I used my browser and SC Webmail to view the spam email
then clicked on SC Webmail's Message Source. I then copy/pasted to
Notepad and later used Notepad to munge. repeated qqq xxx and yyyyy are
all the munging.
I don't think I've lost any 8bit chars when handling something with
NotePad, which I use very often. I would be curious if you were to repeat
that operation just for the purposes of viewing to see if you can see the
8bit characters in the spambody while the body is in NotePad. The 8bit
items consist of the c cedilla instead of c in the word 'Pharmacyy' at the
top, the 2nd 'a' acute in the line 'Sexual Health', and 3 chars in the
line 'Antii Anxiety' 1st n tilde, 1st i diaresis, and 2nd cap A diaresis.
This time I copied the spam back to the Webmail Inbox and POP to my
mail client then Save As to eml, rename as txt and munge.
And/But this attachment introduces QP by your newsagent which is
configured for QP quoted-printable as indicated by this transfer encoding
statement which can be found in your newsmessages properties source:
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
I'm puzzled about how that came about. Your news message itself does not
carry the QP encoding in the headers, and the/your message I'm replying to
here consists of 3 mime parts. The first mime boundary delimited part
after the message headers which announce mime multipart is the mime
announcement of parts. The 2nd mime boundary delimited part is your news
message body itself, and the 3rd mime boundary delimited part is a QP
announced QPed spamitem consisting of its headers and spambody, which
spambody is complete with the 8bit chars and the QP artifacts.
I had no idea this issue was going to be so complicated. I think we are
at a distinct disadvantage by your using a very primitive newsagent with
which I am completely unfamiliar.
I suspect that this attachment is most like what was to be seen in the
source in your SC mailbox, but it is not possible to comment on your
original issue about the QP because your newsagent attached the spamitem
(which I was expecting to find as a 'simple' 8bit text item) as a QP
attachment and the original issue is about where did the QP come from in
the parsed item.
At least the 8bit business was retained in this attachment.
Mike Easter
kibitzer, not SC admin